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Intrepid Dudettes of the Inca Empire
Are you ready to embark on a journey?
Enter a world steeped in legend...
A moon rising from a shimmering lake,
A woman turned into corn by the sun,
A cave that gives birth to a civilisation,
A boy who cries tears of blood,
A girl whose icy body is preserved for hundreds of years,
A man who regularly asked his dead mother for advice
And Mother Nature, whose influence reaches over everyone...​

Intrepid Dudettes of the Inca Empire: About
Why I wrote Intrepid Dudettes of the Inca Empire
Intrepid Dudettes of the Inca Empire: Video
To download a free extract called 'Mama Sarpay', click here.
Intrepid Dudettes of the Inca Empire: Text
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