#Worldenvironmentday is coming up on 5th June. So, I thought I’d share some information with you about Pachamama who was the Inca’s version of Mother Nature…
The “pacha” of Pachamama means earth or time and “mama” is mother. She was like the Earth itself personified, like a living and breathing landscape that people worshipped, revered and spoke to.
Mother Nature had been a goddess in pre-Inca times, known across the continent by different names and worshipped with different ceremonies, stretching back through the ages.
Pachamama could…
· Assist women during childbirth
· Ward off evil spirits
· Cause NATURAL Disasters
· Provide a good harvest

To find out more, be sure to check out my facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Intrepid-Dudettes-of-the-Inca-Empire-115464516555309/